Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Wiki
Ted Sandyman
Brian Sergent as Ted Sandyman (extended edition)
Vital statistics
Birth Late-Third Age
Death Early-Fourth Age
Age Unknown
Fate Drinking in the Green Dragon
Parentage Unknown
Siblings Unknown
Spouse Unknown
Children Unknown
Physical attributes
Hair color Brown
Eye color Green
Gender Male
Weapon None
Race Hobbit
Actor Brian Sergent
"Children's stories that's all that is. You're beginning to sound like that old Bilbo Baggins! Cracked he was!"
Ted Sandyman talking about Bilbo Baggins

Ted Sandyman was a Hobbit who lived in Hobbiton, one of the early settlements of the Shire. A member of the Sandyman clan, Ted was the son of Carl Sandyman. Married to Daisy Sandyman, Ted was the father of Mug Sandyman. During the time when the War of the Ring had began, Ted was associated with Lotho Sackville-Baggins during the latter's control of the land.


"Well it's none of our concern what goes on beyond our borders. Keep your nose out of trouble and no trouble will come to you."
Ted to Frodo

A member of the Sandyman clan, Ted began to work as a miller after his father Carl passed away during the late-Third Age. During his job, he married a beautiful hobbit woman named Daisy Sandyman and had a son named Mug. Samwise Gamgee and his clan never liked him. He and his family were also wedding guests at Drogo and Primula's wedding, but after hearing the news of their tragic deaths, Ted believed that Primula pushed him into the water and Drogo pulled her in after him.

He is present in the Ivy Bush before Bilbo Baggins' 111th Birthday happened and sneers at Sam's return. He had recently talked to Hamfast Gamgee, Posco Noakes, and Daddy Twofoot about how Primula and Drogo died, much to Old Gaffer who did not appreciate those words that he said about Frodo Baggins' parents. Ted argued on one of Gaffer's points and told Gaffer that Bag End is always a queer place for outsiders that would often come. He later attended the event, and was seen enjoying the party where he drank, laughed, and talked to a number of attendees. Just as everyone was seated and hoping to have some of the cake, Ted watched as Bilbo was asked to make a speech for everyone, but it ended short when the elderly hobbit used the One Ring to vanish in front of everyone's eyes.

After Bilbo had left, Ted would sometimes talk about Bilbo and would insult on how cracked he was. Later on the evening, Ted was at the Green Dragon Inn with Samwise Gamgee, Gaffer, and Posco Noakes. When Posco and Gaffer had talked about strange things that had been happening outside the borders of the Shire, Ted scoffed at those tales, and called them children's stories, in which he foolishly believed. He made a comment about Bilbo Baggins after he had left the Shire and ventured to Rivendell, the house of Lord Elrond Peredhel. Just as Frodo Baggins sat down to join them, Ted believd it was no one's concern on what goes on beyond the borders of the Shire and gave Frodo a head's up and that no trouble will come to him.

